
Showing posts from February, 2020

Aicha Toure: Ralph Gibson

-Ralph Gibson This image was taken by American photographer Ralph Gibson. Ralph Gibson is known for his images that have a lot of negative/positive space. The negative/positive space that's in the image allows you to focus straight at what it is that you can see. In this case, the focus is on the man who seems to have a spotlight on himself. This image caught my eyes because of the choices he made. The negative/positive space surrounding the man makes me give my attention all to him and I think that was the idea of the image. This image is an example of a silhouette, artificial light, framing, and negative/positive space. There is so many elements in the image that allows you to interpret it in different ways. I believe the man is in his own spotlight because his head is help up high. I also noticed that the circle object in the background is a lantern and that is why the man looks like a silhouette.  I really appreciate the artistic choices of the photographer

Aicha Toure: Lee Friedlander

 1996 NY, Lee Friedlander  In 1996, Lee Friedlander an American artist and photographer took this self portrait of himself driving through New York. Compared to other self portraits that I have seen, this picture to me looks kind of intense. maybe it is his body position, lighting, or facial expression but immediately I got an intense feeling from the image. I like that he chose to capture an image of himself from outside this car instead of inside. It shows me that he is performing some action and it brings in more detail to the image. I appreciate the artistic view of Lee Friedlander. Also I really like the contrast and the different shades of grey. The in between is what brings the image altogether and defines the meaning more. I appreciate his artistic choices and I hope to create images with inspiration to his art

Aicha Toure: Michael Kenna

 Michael Kenna (2017) This photo was taken by an artist named Michael Kenna. Michael Kenna is an English photography born in in the UK. One photo he was able to take was the one above. Out of the many pictures that he took, this is the one that I resonated towards. This image is so captivating and surreal in a sense. It's as if hands have been extended to touch the water but it is a tree instead. The image is so simple yet fascinating. I feel calm and relaxed when looking at it because everything is so still. the stillness of the water and black, whites, and grey really sets a mood for me specifically. I really appreciate the artistic view Michael Kenna. He was able to captivate a moment from an angle where the tree that fell looks like its touching the water yet it hasn't because you don't see any ripples. This photo is so beautiful and I hope to capture a moment like this one day.

Aicha Toure: Adam Fuss- Photography

-Adam Fuss This photo was taken by Adam Fuss, a contemporary photographer. A lot of his work are photogram works. Photogram is the production of images without using a camera. Light sensitive paper used to capture these images without the use of Camera. One of Adam Fuss' famous work is the image above. This image is very unique in the sense of how the image came about. when looking at the image, I feel pretty calm. the different lightings and shades of blue allows me to get a better "feel" of the image. It's as if the water is still yet you still have the illusion of it moving. I like how the ripples follow behind the snake. It is very calming and soothing. It almost makes me want to touch the image. The different hues of blue adds to this illusion and I really appreciate his artistic view. I also like how as the snake reaches the type, the brighter the image gets. This makes me think that as you escape the dark, some of the past will follow you but its what'