
Showing posts from April, 2020

Aicha Toure: Antonin Kratochvil

The image below was taken by Antonin Kratochvil. This photographer is well known in the photography world for his images. A lot of them involve people in different scenarios. Looking at his work, I noticed that a lot of them were portraits. It always involved people. The image I chose below really caught my eye. I like how the image sort of looks like a silhouette. the main focus is the women but the different elements in the photo really makes it captivating. I really like the dark spots compared to the highlighted parts. The fabric in front of her gives the image another meaning. Looking at the picture it's as if the woman is happy and free. I say this because of her spreader arms, the little smile, and just the lighting of the image. I think Antonin Kratochvil did a good job on being able to capture such a happy moment. She seems filled with life and I hope to take images like this also.

Aicha Toure: Andre Kertesz

- Andre Kertesz This image was taken by Andre Kertesz. He is a Hungarian photographer who has made a huge impact in the world of photography. Something that Kertesz is known for is his still life images. He produced many pictures of inanimate object and gave meaning to each of them. The image. above, is one of Kertesz work that I found so interesting. It is so simple yet so captivating in its own way. The fork is an object that people always use to eat. Even though the image focuses on the fork, I can't help but notice the plate. The plate to me seems empty and I think that it means the person is either getting ready to eat or has finished his meal. I appreciate the shadow of the fork and plate but also the negative space of the shadow that the plate produces. This image in its own way is really beautiful. When I start on my still life project, I will definitely be using Andre Kertesz as an inspiration for some of the images that I produce.

Aicha Toure: Sebastiào Salgado

 - Sebastiào Salgado(2008) The image above was taken by  Sebastiào Salgado in Alaska. This scenery is so beautifully captivated that I was drawn to it immediately. the contrast in this image is also so fascinating and just makes the picture even more fascinating. Sebastiào Salgado is a Brazilian photographer who even took his talents to the big screens. A lot of his work is in black and white and is heavy in contrast, detail, and exposure. Specifically in the image above, I really appreciate the level of detail that is in the mountains and the clouds.  Think that's what gravitated towards me when I first saw the image. Sebastiao Salgado has many works that are similar to do this and his techniques are so beautiful to me. The image itself makes me feel like something special is coming towards me. I say that because of the bright light that's found the end of the stream and mountains. It makes me think of the saying, "there is light at the end of the tunnel." When I t